Recently, my yahoo account has been hacked, sending messages to my online friends, but I managed to counter-control it.
And now, after almost a week, another account of mine's hacked. But this time, it includes some money and some personal information.
My PayPal account has been robbed from me.
Here's how they did it:
1. First, the hacker will try to login into your account and add an email address he's using.
2. Your account's primary email will be changed to the newly added one.
3. Your password will be changed.
4. Identity theft.
I tried to request for the password through PayPal's resetting of password by phone system, but unfortunately, it didn't help.
I tried to call PayPal's US number, but unfortunately, there's no agent I can talk to.
I also tried to ask for the password through the snail mail, but will receive it by 2 weeks the least.
I'm completely helpless, so what I just did is inform the banks I've used with that account to deny any transactions until issue's cleared.
And after series of retrieval attempts, it seems that my account has gone. I tried retrieving some information using the hacker's email address,and it seems that the hacker changed the login credential to a new email address (or has deleted my PayPal account, if possible and is probably a better case in my end)
I realized that my yahoo account has the same password with PayPal's (stupid me). It's good thing that the account only holds $2 dollars in it.